Monday, March 27, 2017


Hello, here in vlog three Mario and I went to Hana on our day off. We've been trying to go to Hana for the longest but the weather just wasn't on our side on the days we were off. But we were finally blessed with a absolutely beautiful hot and sunny day. To be honest it was pretty hard to vlog this day. I'm not sure you can tell through the vlog but theres a lot of jump scenes and thats because we both were so exhausted for some weird reason, but we did our best with trying to vlog and enjoying the moment at the same time. So check it out in HD for the best experience :)

Thursday, March 23, 2017


In this vlog I attempt to longboard for the second time in Lahaina with Mario. The first time I got sea sick and bailed. I was pretty stoked that I stood up and caught a couple of waves because never in a million years would I of thought I was capable of doing so. I'm actually afraid of being in deep ocean water and I also get really bad sea sickness. But this time I took this ginger shot that helps with nausea and it worked pretty good for me. 


Stay tuned for more adventures and vlogs.